“Your life as a teacher begins the day you realize that you are always a learner.” ~ Robert John Meehan
The greatest teachers are those who continue to be students, and it is time to be the student again!
July 2021 (Postponed from July 2020), Kiana Ebone’ has the opportunity to attend AMESENE (American Senegalese International Dance Workshop), a 2 week international dance intensive! The intensive will include training in Sabar, Kemetic Yoga, Afro-Club, and much more!
A graduate of Baltimore Dance Tech and Howard University Theatre Arts, Kiana has been studying dance since she was 3 years old and continued the path through college and beyond. Since 2013, she has been a dance instructor and choreographer throughout Maryland, teaching in Baltimore City Public Schools, Baltimore Dance Tech and Studio A, as well as most recently choreographing and starring in the touring show, Stirring the Waters Across America. Once returning from Senegal her students will have the privilege of experiencing new techniques! It is her ultimate goal to show her students here in Baltimore the cross-cultural similarities, bridging the gap between traditional West African (our roots) and American dance.
Please consider sowing a seed to help make this possible!!
Donations can be forwarded through Paypal, CashApp ($KianaEboneDance), or GoFundMe.